Sunday, September 24, 2006

Roman Galleries

Once a year the Romain Galleries, located downtown, are opened to the public. This year it happened during last three days. A crowed of people abounded to see bits of the old town.

The galleries were discovered in 1771 during the reconstruction of Lisbon after the hearthquake of 1755. It is admitted that these roman constructions were done to reinforce there, during Sec I AC.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Estufa Fria - Edward VII Park, Lisboa Posted by Picasa

Estufa Fria Posted by Picasa

Edward VII Park - Lisboa Posted by Picasa

Watering Posted by Picasa

Watering Posted by Picasa

Watering in the morning

Watering the Park Edward VII, Marquês de Pombal, Lisboa, in the morning of a summer day!

News of the World

  • Greenlandic troupe to take Copenagen
    For the first time in history, a Greenlandic stage company will appear at Copenhagen´s Royal Theatre this Ocoter.
  • Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim called on wealthy countries to mke a fresh effort to break deadlocked trade talks, as a group of developing nations met in Rio de Janeiro.
  • A Danish-led team of scientists has discovered a tiny sea creature that lives on nitrate
    Scientists from Arhus University and the National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) have discovered a new species of animal living on the ocean floor, whose respeiration system is based on nitrate instead of oxygen.
  • Penampang (Malaisia): Nine secondary scholl students who skipped schoool were found playing video games at an entertainment centre at Putatan, near here, Thrusday. The boys, aged between 13 and 15, from two secondary schools here, were found at the centre about 11.15 am during an anti-crime blitz.
  • Exhibitors from over 50 countries, presentation and tourist offering of the most fascinating parts of the world, attractive promotions of travel agencies, interesting competitions, tasting of regional and national cuisine delicacies, at the 14th International Travel Show TT Warsaw Tour & Travel that take place on SEptember 21st- 23rd 2006 at the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw.